Progress against our quarterly objectives
Digital Experience
Improve support for Deaf audiences to access our digital content, venue & programme
Live on zines exhibition page: BSL leaflet video to Exhibition Page #11465
Create toggle for exhibition access changes #11634
Update yellow box content for exhibitions #11628
Exhibition access content microcopy should reflect what's available #11495
Re-order exhibition page components #11629
Exhibition page accessibility section update #11173
Understand and explore user needs for browsing the online collections
Create research findings playback report #11461
Plan HMW's for design sprint as part of the browse discovery playback #11481
Plan and prepare materials for design sprint #11466
Analysis of User Research interviews #11458
Build a comprehensive site search which meets user expectations
Set up tags and events in GTM to track clicks on 'All catalogue results' and 'All images' links in new catalogue and image results box #11621
All search tab loading behaviour #11610
Fixed: "Manage cookies" link does not work on cookie policy page #11374
File format alignment #11020
Remove popular stories component code #11635
Digital Platform
Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities
Corporate Photograph 2017: Mediagraph deletions #5940
Corporate Photograph 2017: Editorial Photography Bucket deletions #5941
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Implement Catalogue Graph Ingestor Indexer #5945
Person concept analysis #5906
Implement Catalogue Graph Ingestor Loader #5944
Concepts API RFC: Updates for improved access #5934
Implement removal of duplicate concept IDs #5911
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Implement catalogue-graph recorder service #5905
Clean up AWS Identity Center permissions #5938
Codify WAF changes #5939
Future state integration for WCSTP - 'as is' and 'to be' #5854
Move ID Minter service to Lambda #5888
Upgrade Concepts API to Node 20 #5935
ID Minter Lambda: Scala code implementation (Part 2) #5948
Address critical vulnerabilities (Sprint 4 issue) #5936
ID Minter Lambda: Build scripts consolidation #5949
ID Minter clean-up #5958
Focusing on next
Digital Experience
Improve support for Deaf audiences to access our digital content, venue & programme
Add aggregations to events dates #220
Designs for filters on /events page #11471
Private Vimeo videos using embed slice #11452
Indicating accessibility provision #11679
Review whether or not ordering works as expected #11681
Indicating accessibility provision in the footer #11682
Understand and explore user needs for browsing the online collections
Analyse design sprint testing #11478
Design sprint playback #11479
Feedback/beta flag on theme pages #11570
Build a comprehensive site search which meets user expectations
Remove toggle for All search #233
Complete remaining iiif viewer work for displaying non image things #11683
Babel packages #11530
Exhibitions and Digital Guide Access Needs user research #11688
Digital Platform
Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities
Corporate Photography 2017: Storage service deletions #5942
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Write a blog post about the graph #5943
Reindex to remove duplicate concept IDs #5912
Catalogue Graph: Monitoring & reliability -- Ensuring the Catalogue API index is safely updated #5967
Concepts API: Implementation of RFC -- Update theme pages to include description #5972
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Plan for addressing complicated pipeline build system #5955
WCSTP integrations sequence plan #5959
Address Critical Vulnerabilities, Sprint 5 Issue #5963
Remove newline characters from source identifiers in the ID minter #5954
Catalogue Graph: Monitoring & reliability -- Monitoring success of catalogue graph pipeline runs #5966
Catalogue API: Use new concepts index -- Verifying the index #5968
Catalogue API: Use new concepts index -- Ensure daily updates #5969
Catalogue API: Use new concepts index -- Update configuration #5970
Concepts API: Implementation of RFC -- Update graph ingestor to index description #5971
Last updated