Progress against our quarterly objectives
Digital Experience
Born-digital collection is available to the public
Clicking born digital tree items is doing a get request that errors #11065
Improve experience for users with access needs pre and during visit
Re-design Exhibition page for signposting guides & access resources: add HotJar tracking to exhibition page #11078; add icons to guides listing page #11033; update the exhibition guides index page #10822; updates to exhibition text page #11034; update BSL video tour page header #11036; update audio highlight tour page header #11035; update subheadings on pages #11081
Finalised upgrading Node versions #10846
Fixed reset toggles on Safari not working as expected #11100
Research upgrading IIIF viewer to Auth2 #5755
Digital Platform
Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities
Retry failed archivematica ingests #22
Document editorial corporate photography ingest
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Update SierraItemUpdater to add availabilitySlots for DeepStore items #787
Test deep store item requests w/ Collections (and revert)
Run the EBSCO adapter manually to bring in ECCO records
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Triage and address critical vulnerabilities #5744
Moving to preferring (or even only using) 264 over 260 for publication etc data #2662
Focusing on next
Digital Experience
Born-digital collection is available to the public
Show missing licence information #11016
Bring born-digital MVP out from toggle
Improve experience for users with access needs pre and during visit
Get exhibition guides ready for functional testing behind a toggle
Decide approach to dealing with legacy guides
Check and decide on colour contrast of audio player
Improve the user experience of finding information on wellcomecollection.org
Query content types by UID #11073
Update the linkResolver function to the use the UID #11074
Create protoype for global search
Investigate IIIF v2/v3 - can we move to v3 and remove v2
Digital Platform
Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities
Complete ingesting corporate photography
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Born digital items are distinguished in catalogue API #2659
Make deep store requesting available by turning the toggle off
Ensure that metadata included on the works page meets staff and user needs
Metadata visibility: Ownership and custodial history investigation #5758
Make it possible to search shelf marks on items #2453
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Get Grafana monitoring running
Set-up SSO for our GitHub organisation #415 – wecobot
• Upgrade IIIF viewer to Auth2: view restricted things on items page (with URL)
Last updated