Progress against our quarterly objectives
Increase access to our collections
Offsite requesting: Items API responds with available dates #741
EBSCO: Add EBSCO merge candidate #2570
Reviewed v2 born-digital designs with Collections stakeholders
Increase findability across our collections and stories
Finding visual stories - design/discovery
Wellcomecollection.org is reliable, efficient and compliant
Improve script to create matcher graphs from the catalogue index #2557
Fix to stop bot traffic reaching our service and affecting performance #423
Show item Status and Access by guarding against errors in Sierraitemupdater #759
Fixed view-items flakiness in end-to-end tests #10644
Focusing on next
Increase access to our collections
Offsite requesting:
Add venues pipeline, transforms opening hours into nextOpeningDate[ ] #757
Distinguish offsite items in location model
Confirm with EBSCO if SFTP endpoint will have all the holding we need (including deletes/additions/updates)
Begin testing against the endpoint
Implement a MARCXML transformer
Front end for born digital based on finalised designs
Increase findability across our collections and stories
Finish and go-live with events in search MVP
Finding visual stories - research & design
Wellcomecollection.org is reliable, efficient and compliant
Update Dependabot packages for wellcomecollection.org and content-api
User Access Review for Information Security
Finish setting up Prismic Slice Machine
Structured logging to help understand any bug
Remove Archivematica a3m-testing-instance as no longer needed #425
Last updated