Progress against our quarterly objectives
Objective: Increase access to our collections
Initial meeting with Ashley to learn more about born digital materials in the storage service
Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories
Fix for merged images are being incorrectly included #2460
Ensure filter dropdown entries are unique by label #10350
Maintenance: Upgrade prismic packages #10394
Maintenance: Remove Universal Analytics from the codebase [now that it’s replaced by GA4] #10258
Maintenance: Determine link behaviour in order to align across platform #9791
Focusing on next
Objective: Increase access to our collections
Get METS transformer ready to accept born digital material
Begin preparing front end for born digital material
Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs
Next iteration of Digital Guides ready for review
Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories
Deploy improved query and mapping for Catalogue API
Add event transformer for Content API
Add initial event endpoints to the Content API
Continue to upgrade remaining Lambdas that are using < Python 3.9
Improve documentation for the storage service
Decide on next steps with Storybook
Last updated