Progress against our quarterly objectives
Increase access to our collections
EBSCO - Investigate implementing a MARCXML transformer (using example data) #2556
Increase findability across our collections and stories
Events: three filters now available for events search behind the ‘Add Events to Search pages’ toggle #10647
Wellcomecollection.org is reliable, efficient and compliant
Allow CALM and Archivematica records to merge #2508
Understand and resolve issue with unexpected discrepancy in image search #2549
Protect IIIF APIs from bot traffic to decrease costs #419
Adding Monitoring agents to EC2 instances to monitor potential malicious activity #410
Investigate and make recommendations for moving to Slice Machine (development for our content management system) #10649
Set up for analysis of traffic between concept and work pages in Segment #10642
Ensure we’re not tracking if no consent is given (behind a toggle) #10623
Focusing on next
Increase access to our collections
Offsite requesting:
Move calculating available dates for item requesting to the items API #741
Setup a lambda to receive data from the EBSCO SFTP #2552
Implement a MARCXML transformer
Confirm with EBSCO that they can provide the MARCXML where needed
Restricted access
Get confirmation on patron type for accessing restricted content
Plan library data link explorer work
Downloadable born digital files
Design mobile-view works page
Show to collections team
Investigate archive tree flexibility (design and dev)
Implement designs on works page
Increase findability across our collections and stories
Events search
Add two filters (available online, location: in our building or online)
Bring out from toggle?
Plan for how we understand usage
Wellcomecollection.org is reliable, efficient and compliant
Consent Management Platform solution (cookies)
Look at Civic UK Pro version from UX / UI design perspective
Agree design of banner and preference centre
Team goal - Product and team vision, goals & priorities are clear & communicate
Refine vision and goals with the Collections team
Look at why ByteSpider traffic is still making it to the front end
Extend load balancer health checks or search API to fail if it can’t connect to ES (including Investigate Elasticsearch timeout can be fatal to the ingestor. #2268)
Whiteboard session on what could make observability of the pipeline better
Discuss how we treat images
Can InfoSec see our EC2 instances from the CrowdStrike work previously done
Last updated