We've made a first round of improvements to the relevance of our "visually similar image" matches by using some new query features in Elasticsearch 8. Until now we've extracted features from images but have needed to compare an augmented version of them; the new way of doing things allows us to compare those features directly, which should make the results much better! We've also done the research for a second round of improvements, which will polish up the features we extract from images before they're compared. We're also tracking how that feature is used so that we have some quantitative data to monitor over time #8885, #2236, #113
Works page improvements analytics - Analysis of existing navigation from works page to digitised item #8827
Bug fixes
Fix for visually similar images stretched on Safari #8896
Remove duplicate IDs to improve accessibility #8843
Fixed content advisory showing on works page when it shouldn't #8914
Don't show events as fully booked when people could attend online #8937
Write RFC for Lambda logging #5635
Simplify our deployment process by getting rid of weco-deploy #5631
Improvements to exhibition guides pages: YouTube iframes should defer loading until clicked to lighten page weight on loading #8916
Improvements to exhibition guides pages: Improve the copy in the description/title on exhibition guides #8928
Improvements to exhibition guides pages: Reduce the amount of data sent to exhibition guides pages to lighten page weight #8942
Improvements to exhibition guides pages: don't show the volume control on the audio player where it's not supported for iPhones #8965
Focusing on next
Finalise pagination in existing search
Filters: responsive modal
Show the search results overview page (first cut)
Concepts data snagging
Implementation of Lambda logging
Investigate running apps locally (zones?)
Use rank to test whether exact phrases always score higher than looser matches
Iterate on the design of the tabbed navigation to enable A/B testing
Spike on investigating improving the process for switching off requesting
Last updated