Decided how to handle TEI contributors with no type=original #5380
Mapped TEI transliterated titles into the alternativeTitles field #2043
Updated search documentation in gitbook reporting#92
Built a prototype page for each subject and person #5539
Put the requesting date picker on production wc.org #8064
Compiled usage statistics on collection audio files #8067
Supported stories evaluation (helping Editorial team) #8054
Recommendations for improving Learning Resources pages #7810
Completed audio guides prototype testing #7978
Set default image quality and pass in higher qualities where necessary #8026
Spacing and typography improvements #8041
Fix and issue with blurry images in open-with-advisory content #8044
Focusing on next
Share wikidata concepts prototype with Collections Information
Prototype concept pages on the site behind a toggle
Continue with concept pipeline RFC
Spike for batch processing records
Library membership: get name data into Sierra
Digital guides: get the work kicked off, with a focus on audio version
Last updated