Progress against our quarterly objectives
Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs
Align no results message in Search Stories to help users adjust filters when used #10286
Reduce spacing on archives works pages #10156
Performance improvement: Set eager_global_ordinals on aggregable fields #2438
Make work fgzg27sc available #2464
Focusing on next
Objective: Increase access to our collections
Begin investigation into what born digital material is and will need to be made available to users
Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories
Improve and simplify queries for catalogue API
Ensure filter dropdown entries are unique by label
Improve dependency resolution in more applications
Define the Prismic GraphQL query and ElasticSearch mappings for events
Begin investigation into aggregation optimisation
Update our Lambdas that are using the Python 3.7 runtime
Improve documentation for the storage service
Storybook 7 (design system) discovery
Last updated