Sitewide/Content UX
Pages for Wellcome Collection reopening went live following design, build and testing, and cross-team collaborations with Digital Editorial and others across WC. Includes specific new pages for welcoming back and ticket booking #5457, #5456
Research completed for reopening pages, now being analysed #5457
Design thinking for archives hierarchy on mobile
Backfill all bags in prod to Azure #4744 (nearly done)
The ingest tracker drops updates if they come in too close together #4781
Push some of the storage-service primitives back into scala-libs #4761
Focusing on next
Finish replication into Azure
Focus on what we need to finish for the end of the quarter
Put storage service into maintenance mode
Support finishing improved deployment tracking if possible
Colour filtering done but not deployed catalogue#853
Focusing on next
Work types changes - adding collections, sections and series as types of work
Getting location and colour filters available in search
Current search relevance tests
Boosts contributors
Then titles
Then genres / subjects
Last updated