Sitewide/Content UX
Created an index of analytics findings in Dovetail #5927
Built podcast series and episodes for Editorial to use #5861
Fixed a performance issue in the viewer relating to OCR #5983
Focusing on next
UX review to allow library content to be published
Use the contents of MARC 520 subfield u as clickable links in the description #4973
Include subfields n and p in the Sierra title transformation #4982
Non-repeatable fields being repeated shouldn't prevent a record from being transformed #4980
Remove duplicate values in the catalogue API #4991
Redirect Loris images to DLCS #4883
Focusing on next
Finish getting derivative Miro packages into storage via Archivematica
Register the derivative Miro images with DLCS
Increase pipeline reliability and stability (accommodate more relationships)
Make sure identity front end in Wellcome Collection repo works
Agree how to model journals data in the API
Look at library series data
Built a dashboard in Kibana to track different types of conversions in search #5850
Documented methodology for compiling search, /works page view and item view statistics using Kibana and Data Studio/GA #5996
Updated rank eval to include image search #4896
Colour filtering now done in a more perceptual colour model #1129
Focusing on next
How to handle deletions from CALM
Get filters merged to be available for user research
Current search relevance tests
Boosts contributors
Then titles
Then genres / subjects
Last updated