Experience team
Insight from stories survey for the Content team reported back and available from ticket #4862
Improvement to book viewer to better associate the image number and thumbnail #4546
New designs reduce the height of the post-search search area on /works https://app.zeplin.io/project/5aab926b4b6efde01259e959/dashboard?tag=Search%20Filters
Third round of wc.org site navigation tree testing completed and analysed, to be used in planning placement for site content #1611
Identifying appropriate metrics for a baseline for image search analysis #4935
A fix to allow Pocket/Instapaper/Safari Reader view to work properly #2917
Preservation team
Improvements to S3 support merged into Archivematica's codebase
Migrated digitised content replica to Glacier Deep Archive #3501
Focusing on next:
Born digital migration
Data team
Started the ingest of METS data (licences and availability) #4083
Implemented a strategy for handling multiple manifestations on digitised items #4082
Focusing on next
Digitised status and copyright
Current search relevance tests
AND: Takes the query, splits it into tokens on whitespace, and creates an AND query to match across multiple fields. e.g. ‘Heart starvation’ would only match works that had ‘heart’ AND ‘starvation’ in one of the searchable fields e.g. title, description etc
Scoring tiers: Queries against different features of the data, such as title or contributors, differently. We then boost these accordingly to make sure more relevant works are surfaced first, and more loosely relevant works are included further down in the results.
Last updated