A message from Jenn on behalf of the team:

You’ll notice we’ve closed a lot of tickets relating to IIIF v3. What is that, and why does it matter?

We make all of our digitised content available through the International Image Interoperability Framework, which over time has evolved to handle audio and video material (time-based media, if you will). We’d previously been using IIIF v2 for digitised printed and archival material, along with some local customisations to enable digitised video and audio.

Now, IIIF v3 is here to give us better support for audio, video and born digital material. The benefits of IIIF v3 include:

  • Ability to annotate parts of an audio or video file so users can navigate it. This could be structural information like marking out 5 interviews on a cassette, for example.

  • Better handling of digitised collections that have a mix of media, for example a video that has a transcript; they’ll all be delivered using the same consistent specification

  • Improvements to how the data is modelled in JSON-LD (hopefully leading to developer happiness too)

It’s also a prerequisite for the forthcoming IIIF Authentication specification, as well as the work to make born digital archives available early next year.



  • Search for all site content is behind the Search page toggle

  • Search: Align buttons and input fields to new design #8820

  • Search: Add Pageview to more pages #8841

  • Search: Finalise Pagination component styles and layout #8861

  • Search: New sort component #8734, #8859

  • Search: Improvements and changes to ResultList for stories, exhibitions and events #8825

  • Prototype search-as-you-type index #116, #119

  • Test text-embedding pipelines in elasticsearch #114

  • Recorder: bulk operation mode #76

  • Connect concepts api to concepts index #572

  • Replace the Subject ontologyType with the type derived from the MARC field #2235

  • Migrate to IIIF v3 for the viewer #8731, #8750, #8791, #8793, #8796, #8800,#8784, #8888, #8890, #8785, #8786, #8787

  • Investigating changes in Google Analytics page views #8744

  • Compile October WC Combined Stats Report #8837

  • High-level brief for collections access improvements in Q1 #8767

  • Collection of analysis tickets covering collections search behaviour #8790

  • Image search user journey mapping/jobs to be done #8757

  • Map the search user journey for Kick off #8768

Bug fixes

  • Fix the token refresh in the Python client (+ associated flaky tests) #983

  • Reindex freezes in the batcher near end of processing #2255

  • Search: Fix TabNav scrollbar always being present #8874

  • Improve the way we handle dates and events for multi-day events #8830

  • Fix the listing of events on the What's On and Past Event pages #8894

  • Correct item page reporting behaviour #99


  • Manage the reporting cluster in terraform #82

  • Ditch the clever "should we build this" logic #5626

  • Don't write the internal model version to Elasticsearch #2253

Focusing on next

  • Finalise sorting and pagination in new and existing search

  • Search reporting for new search pages

  • Filters: responsive filter bar and modal

  • Show the search results overview page (first cut)

  • Concepts data snagging

  • Write an RFC for improved Lambda logging

  • Investigate running apps locally

  • Works pages: get tabbed navigation behind a toggle

  • Works pages: work out how to track metrics

Last updated