Progress against our quarterly objectives
Digital Experience
Improve support for Deaf audiences to access our digital content, venue & programme
Create user journey map for Deaf visitor #11468
Understand and explore user needs for browsing the online collections
Complete User Research sessions #11456
Build a comprehensive site search which meets user expectations
Integrate Content results in Search "All" page #11460
Integrate Catalogue results in Search "All" page #11459
Add API responses to API toolbar in "All" search page #11542
Amend link resolver for exhibition texts, add tests #11549
Spike for unifying Prismic API ID casing #11500
Don't show zoom and rotation controls for non image files #11513
Add a 'transcript' field to the GuideTextItem slice for in-venue media #11522
Display born digital pdfs rather than a placeholder #11512
Events: Relevance improvements #123
Spacing of items in viewer #11521
Digital Platform
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Recreate AskHenry #5880
Add support for ECS tasks to catalogue graph pipeline #5883
Improving catalogue-graph resilience against transient Neptune errors #5890
Add Wikidata to catalogue graph (MeSH) #5867
Add Wikidata to catalogue graph (LoC) #5866
Add automated tests to catalogue graph #5865
Add Wikidata parent concepts to catalogue graph #5885
Containerise the catalogue-graph extractor #5889
Add instructions for aws graph-notebook #5896
Adding catalogue concepts to the graph #5893
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Rate limit new bot requests to wellcomecollection.org #5884
Widen geo-rate limit WAF rules for wellcomecollection.org #5897
Allow wellcomecollection.org to run locally using local APIs #5892
Upgrade node on the identity repository #5876
Add IAM user and permissions for Nicola Cook
Focusing on next
Digital Experience
Improve support for Deaf audiences to access our digital content, venue & programme
Design a space in exhibition page to play the BSL leaflet video #11464
Exhibition cards & BSL #11517
Update BSL icons #11516
Understand and explore user needs for browsing the online collections
Data analysis of existing browse tools and user behaviour #11316
Analysis of search terms #11571
Analysis of User Research interviews #11458
Build a comprehensive site search which meets user expectations
Modify copy on global searchbars #11546
Determine Partial "no results" state in "All" search #11463
Numbers of results changes and formatting #11572
Style search bar #11225
Add interpretation filters and aggregations for events (& later exhibitions) #192
Digital Platform
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Copy catalogue-graph code into catalogue-pipeline, keeping the history #5903
Redeploy catalogue-graph infrastructure to use the catalogue VPC in the platform account #5904
Feedback/beta flag on theme pages #11570
RFC for catalogue-graph recorder service #5913
Plan how to remove duplicate concept IDs #5910
Investigate geographic concepts incorrectly loaded as SourceName/SourceConcept in catalogue graph #5886
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Move id_minter service to lambda #5888
Perform Firefly test in the platform AWS account #5901
Upgrade log-forwarder node version from 18 to 20 #5916
Missing archive tree #5914
Last updated