Sitewide/Content UX
Done (over two sprints)
Ability to create a Seasons page and add content to it #5801
Ability to add Pages type and Series type to a Season #5917
Adding play indicator to EventPromos when they are available to view online #5912
Use the new label style on event series and event schedule #5900
Add online lable to EventPromos #5894
Use new label style for interpretations on EventPromos #5892
Ability to add featured video on an event page #5841
Card sort/ navigation research for new seasons pages #5844
Heat map research for the archives pages (how people are interacting with the archives) #5690
Dynamically batchworks when indexing, based on their estimated size #4912
Recognise empty bags in the METS transformer #4893
Move id_minter before relation embedder #4907
Bag unpacker failed with an error "AmazonS3Exception: null" #4911
Focusing on next
Continue getting Miro packages into storage via Archivematica
Register the Miro images with DLCS
Get back to point where can deploy to pipeline for master (make nightly re-index faster and cut down running costs)
Analysis of search filter usage #5833
Analysis of journal search #5817
User research sessions on full text article searching #5803
Contributor roles displayed on works pages #5758
Focusing on next
Conversion metrics for search: data can be analysed
Improve rank eval interface
Current search relevance tests
Boosts contributors
Then titles
Then genres / subjects
Last updated