Progress against our quarterly objectives
Objective: Increase access to our collections
Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories
Display Fully Booked status on Events Cards when relevant #10596
Spec image requirements for visual stories #10610
Objective: Wellcomecollection.org is reliable, efficient and compliant
Cookies kick-offs took place and agreed next steps to agree whether we proceed with a third-party solution or build in-house
Maintenance: Upgrade our accessibility checker to WCAG 2.1 #10491
Analytics: Update Kibana dashboards to monitor trends in web site use #10560
Focusing on next
Objective: Increase access to our collections
Born digital files can be downloaded
Enable born-digital files to be downloaded from works pages (styled, behind toggle)
Show real stuff on the works page
Refactoring (born digital)
Create vision for next iteration of born-digital file access
Review HLM data to assess ingest
Review data and technical documentation ahead of meeting with Ebsco on 7th February
Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories
Events are findable in search
Product and team vision, goals & priorities are clear & communicate (Team goal)
Collectively draft a digital access/experience team vision
Objective: Wellcomecollection.org is reliable, efficient and compliant
Have a shortlist and approach for evaluating Consent Management Platform (CMP) solutions
Start technical spike to evaluate suppliers in order to understand and agree next steps
AWS compute savings plans proposals
RFC for lambda pipeline adapters #2521
Finish health checks work
Last updated