Progress against our quarterly objectives
Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs
Understand current user behaviour and usage of exhibitions and visual stories #9759
Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories
Content API faceting for contributors, formats and publication dates #48
Document the Content API #52
Experiment with queries for colour search and similarity #139
Expose accession numbers for archives e.g. Herbals: 16th cent. #5695, #9899
Enabling analysis of 'search within' functionality in the viewer #9650
Objective: Build the platform services to support born digital access
The replicators can now copy S3-to-S3 files which are more than 5GB #1066
Focusing on next
Objective: Increase access to our collections
Write guides for people who want to start using our APIs for https://developers.wellcomecollection.org
Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs
Gain confidence in our content patterns in visual stories
Start looking at bidirectional relationships between stories and other content
Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories
Prepare for and deploy refactored mapping and query for catalogue and image search
Develop RFC for rank’s next steps
Create UI to filter by date, contributor, format in Stories search
Fill TEI update gap
Improve colour filtering for image search
Objective: Increase discoverability across our collections and stories
Investigate how to ingest MeSH
Last updated