Progress against our quarterly objectives

Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs

  • Understand current user behaviour and usage of exhibitions and visual stories #9759

  • Create basic, hard-coded Visual Stories prototypes for peer review #9846, #9848 behind a toggle #9842, with icons on contact information #9886. Peer review with wider WC access groups is forthcoming!

Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories

  • Content API faceting for contributors, formats and publication dates #48

  • Document the Content API #52

  • Experiment with queries for colour search and similarity #139

  • Create indices directly from JSON config #2357, #2369

  • Expose accession numbers for archives e.g. Herbals: 16th cent. #5695, #9899

  • Enabling analysis of 'search within' functionality in the viewer #9650

Objective: Build the platform services to support born digital access

  • The replicators can now copy S3-to-S3 files which are more than 5GB #1066

Focusing on next

Objective: Increase access to our collections

  • Write guides for people who want to start using our APIs for https://developers.wellcomecollection.org

Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs

  • Gain confidence in our content patterns in visual stories

  • Start looking at bidirectional relationships between stories and other content

Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories

  • Prepare for and deploy refactored mapping and query for catalogue and image search

  • Develop RFC for rank’s next steps

  • Create UI to filter by date, contributor, format in Stories search

  • Fill TEI update gap

  • Improve colour filtering for image search

Objective: Increase discoverability across our collections and stories

  • Investigate how to ingest MeSH

Last updated