Started work on online requesting #4279
Added integration tests based on acceptance criteria #4278
Wrote acceptance criteria for MVP which we will use to inform integration tests (to make sure the system doesn't break when we make design changes) #4280
Acceptance criteria are at https://github.com/wellcomecollection/wellcomecollection.org/blob/master/docs/scenarios/stacks.feature
Created wireframes based on acceptance criteria #4284
New newsletter promo design rolled out to 100% of users after running an A/B test #2703
Setting up A/B test to test a simplified digitised content component on /works pages #5093
Focusing on next:
Continuing requesting, including building from the wireframes
Continued to clean up on-premise file shares, removing c. 5tb of data #4187
Updated the stacks API for requesting to be clearer for developers requesting #4279
Checked that the METS/ALTO references throughout the storage service is internally consistent #4289
Deployed newer version of Archivematica #4175
Focusing on next
Born digital migration: catalogued
Testing requesting
CALM adapter has been built and deployed on AWS #4210
New search query deployed (see below)
Focusing on next
Current search relevance tests
: We match on a few different features of the data e.g.contributors
etc. This test changes the way we do the scoring within each tier, and how the score is then accumulated
Last updated