Output changes from the aggregator #63
Create a Recorder service #64
Connect aggregator to works ingest topic #54
Determine routing solutions for Search pages #8689
Fix how we import different Layouts #8724
Start implementing Image search on Search page #8665
New search query input #8701
DownloadLink and HTMLSerializer merge #8444
New pagination component #8733
Align use of respondTo/respondBetween to new media queries #8749
Add work results to /search/catalogue #8746
Add the born-digital listener, which sends messages to DLCS #96
Redo the Archivematica deployment #98
Build a Slack bot to give us better visibility into Archivematica reliability #104
Exhibition guides made available on the web site
Improve the screen reader experience of exhibition guides #8669
Images in the context of captions and transcripts pages #8486
Events pages: Create a hardcoded "contact us" component for the events pages #8284
Rebuilding Kibana dashboards #8437
Refactor downloadOptions/Viewer code #8696
Use v3 iiif manifest for download options #8697
Bug fixes
Why did b14562339 fail to ingest over the weekend? #1025
Test born digital files that are failing characterization in Archivematica #97
SAADC1911 is failing at the virus checking stage in stage #101
Adjust apitoolbar for anchor links to pick these up again #8649
Don't show exhibitions twice on the homepage #8760
Last updated