Progress against our quarterly objectives

Digital Experience

Born-digital collection is available to the public

  • Collections and digital stakeholders met to review user needs in relation to our MVP born-digital solution and agreed next steps

Improve experience for users with access needs pre and during visit

  • Designed a new UX flow to address pain points in the user experience/journey of our digital exhibition guides. These guides allow exhibition visitors to access a highlight tour (audio or BSL videos with transcripts), plus all the exhibition text, on their own devices.

Wellcomecollection.org handles user data in a compliant and transparent way

  • From Tuesday (4th June) all website visitors are being presented with our new cookie consent banner. This gives our users more transparency and the option to manage their cookie preferences. This means that from this point on we will be capturing a smaller proportion of user activity data eg. through Google Analytics.

Build the strongest foundations possible for the Wellcome Design System to succeed

  • The team investigated naming of design tokens and progressed work towards an MVP design system which could be used by product teams across both Trust and Collection.

Digital Platform

Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities

Improve access to our collections for staff and users

  • Off-site requesting, next steps articulated to support the requesting of off-site items held at Deepstore #783

Ensure that e-resource data is accurate and supports effective discovery

  • Further refinements to EBSCO data, this transformer is now complete and we are displaying data directly from EBSCO

  • Get EBSCO data into reporting cluster #2575

  • Strip url-style prefix from Library of Congress ids #2540


  • Intranda/Goobi need RK to config change in Azure for authentication RITM0049109

Focusing on next

Digital Experience

Born-digital collection is available to the public

  • Copy updates to messaging

  • Release MVP solution from behind toggle

Improve experience for users with access needs pre and during visit

  • Implement visual stories quick fixes

  • Tweak to exhibition text content model

  • Get stakeholder feedback on UX flow of exhibition guides

  • UI design for exhibition guide screens

  • Exhibition page signposting for exhibition guide and digital access resources (exhibition text and visual stories)

Wellcomecollection.org handles user data in a compliant and transparent way

  • Add pixel tracking to site

Build the strongest foundations possible for the Wellcome Design System to succeed

  • MVP design system

  • Meet to agree resourcing governance, next steps etc.

  • Agree on tokens


  • Octopus Club - hide ‘Just turn up’

  • Upgrade part of the WC repo to Node 18+

Digital Platform

Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities​

  • Continuing to work towards bulk automation of ingest of accessioned corporate photography shoots #1126

Improve access to our collections for staff and users

  • More granularity in user roles from patron type to provide staff access to restricted items via wellcomecollection.org #400

  • Rules for requesting update to support the laptop loan project #2660

  • Distinguishing born-digital works in the Catalogue API so that the distinction is based on source metadata, not using the IIIF API #2659

  • Update SierraItemUpdater to get the item's location code from Sierra, fetch the corresponding venueOpeningTimes and apply the correct leadTimeInDays in support of future requesting of items held off-site at Deepstore #787

Ensure that e-resource data is accurate and supports effective discovery

  • EBSCO resources in reporting cluster, to give visibility to data pulled from the new transformer #5746

Ensure that the platform is secure and continues to provide the right foundation for Wellcome Collection's future needs

  • EBSCO resources in reporting cluster, to give visibility to data pulled from the new transformer #5746


  • Discuss handing responsibility for dealing with all DLQ alerts and potentially remove the DLQ alerts from Slack #10428

Last updated