Progress against our quarterly objectives
Increase access to our collections
Allow born digital METs through the METS adapter filter #2507
Increase findability across our collections and stories
Wellcomecollection.org is reliable, efficient and compliant
Refactor end-to-end tests to be more reliable #10409
Meaningful ECS service health checks #10545
Investigating missing item records #2536
Protect the load-balancer from bots #10626
Review exceptional opening hours behaviour #10271
Add a hardcoded banner + toggle to activate in case of widespread web site issues #10615
Focusing on next
Increase access to our collections
Design works page for downloadable born digital files
Design works page
Present to collections team?
Offsite requesting:
Plan to move calculating available dates for item requesting to the items API #741
Setup an SFTP server to receive MARCXML from HLM #2552
Investigate implementing a MARCXML transformer (using example data)
Confirm with EBSCO that the HLM customisation options will provide us with all the data we require (resource URL specifically).
Restricted access
More granularity in user roles from patron type #400
Increase findability across our collections and stories
Add and style filters & sorting for events search
Events filterable and sortable
Review events in search as a team
Plan for reporting back usage of events in search
Wellcomecollection.org is reliable, efficient and compliant
Complete evaluation of (cookies) Consent Management Platform solution
Undertake technical spike to evaluate supplier shortlist (eg. free trials)
Team goal - Product and team vision, goals & priorities are clear & communicate
Collectively draft a digital access/experience team vision
Collections team vision workshop
Last updated