Progress against our quarterly objectives
Digital Experience
Improve experience for users with access needs pre and during visit
Descriptive URLS:
Investigate Prismic solutions for restructuring Pages urls #11206
Deepen engagement with stories
Agreed UX project brief
Undertook competitor review
Move Content-Api to Node20 #137
Set up and test tracking for Hard Graft guides #11142
Digital Platform
Ensure that metadata included on the works page meets staff and user needs
Meeting held with Collections Information
Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities
Ingest corporate archive images #1126
Make ingestor-images tests in Catalogue Pipeline more reliable #5793
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Improve Concepts Pipeline documentation (overview, README for all service, and developer HOWTOs) #5792
Concepts kick-off meeting held
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Re-architect the batcher service so that it works as a Lambda #2721
Batcher Lambda, infrastructure and build #2728
Make ingestor-images tests in Catalogue Pipeline more reliable #5793
Update the ID Minter databases following AWS warning #5785
Always provide link to item page from work page for logged in staff #5762
Item is restricted but page is still showing available to download #11014
Focusing on next
Digital Experience
Improve the user experience of finding information on wellcomecollection.org
Complete transition to new url structure for pages
Deepen engagement with stories
Run research study
Formulate design hypotheses based on qual and quant insights
Undertake a discovery phase for a collection browse experience
Competitive analysis
Gather relevant insights from research with internal users (concept pages)
Data analysis of existing concept pages, visually similar images & search behaviour
Plan and run discovery/assumption mapping workshop with platform team
Create research plan (inc. hotjar survey on concept pages)
Use Content API to populate stories listings #11226
Digital Platform
Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities
• Complete ingesting corporate photography #5790
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Review “Use Identifiers to populate concepts pages” to determine next steps re. ‘no dead ends’ for concepts #5654
Review and discussion of graph model [following Knowledge Graph RFC] #5801
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Move Catalogue Pipeline services from ECS to Lambda #5784
Hold kick-off meeting for Systems Transformation Readiness #5786
All active projects need a CODEOWNERS, add platform & experience Github Teams #5807
Increase default message retention for scaling services #2737
Run a reindex to pick up changes from Mon 7 afternoon
Answer Christy’s email (10/11/24) re number of books query
Update monitoring: surface date of oldest message, show the status of deployment service
Knowledge Graph Infrastructure Discovery #5803
Last updated