Public programme analysis June 2020-present #6224
February Trustnet report #6225
Remedial work on podcasts following feedback from content editors #6191
Videos with open with advisory can be viewed #6190
Published content to support library users such as What’s in the collections and Databases
Using the library and Collections sections on wl.org redirected to wc.org
Viewer search within prototype built for user testing #5945
User testing of the viewer undertaken
Prototype UI for the item viewer toggles can be switched on at https://dash.wellcomecollection.org/toggles/
Focusing on next
Navigate a manuscript or book's structure by "range" - testing and improvements
Prepare for redirecting wl.org items to wc.org works by investigating placement of an image
Survey mechanism: UI, then design
Redirect CM7 (Library Content Management system) URLs #5080
Change how we model 535 fields in the Sierra transformer #5051 (expose more info of copies of reproductions)
Support multiple languages on Calm works #5091
Fold the description into the enumeration field on holdings #5082
De-duplicate holdings in the Sierra transformer #5083
Make the location singular on holdings #5092
Focusing on next
Decide how to model series & linking entries in the API
Redirects working in stage for all URLs (March due date)
Get stacks-service repo back into shape
Presentations given at MozFest: Soul searching, A cornucopia of colourful cultural creation 🎨, and examples
Rank eval tool that allows us to build queries within the tool #19
Search filter dashboards: collections dashboard, search dashboard, conversions dashboard
Key user flow analysis #6030
Focusing on next
Make works aggregations consistent
Query language fields
Improving merging problem
Current search relevance tests
Boosts contributors
Then titles
Then genres / subjects
Last updated