Progress against our quarterly objectives
Digital Experience
Born-digital collection is available to the public
Improve experience for users with access needs pre and during visit
Design updated UX flow for Exhibition Guides #10914
Design an updated UI flow for Exhibition Guides #10918
Improve the user experience of finding information on wellcomecollection.org
Wellcomecollection.org handles user data in a compliant and transparent way
Improve alerting: treat works with non-existing IIIF Manifests #10907
Filters for Subject and Contributor not working as expected #10952
Long breadcrumbs don't display well on mobile #9763
Digital Platform
Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities
Run the corporate photography ingest:
Terraform the ingestor #15
Trigger editorial photography ingest from CLI #18
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Migrate from Akka to Pekko #5754
Correctly identify days of the week around midnight during BST #133
Focusing on next
Digital Experience
Born-digital collection is available to the public
Bring born-digital MVP out from toggle
Clicking born digital tree items is doing a get request that errors #11065
Improve experience for users with access needs pre and during visit
Exhibition Guides: Highlight tour stops
Re-design Exhibition page for signposting guides & access resources
Stop special opening times box displaying against all venues #10640
Digital Platform
Expand and reinforce our digital preservation capabilities
Complete ingesting corporate photography
Documentation for editorial corporate photography ingest
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Test deep store item requests w/ Collections (and revert)
Make deep store requesting available by turning the toggle of
Run the EBSCO adapter manually
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Logging: get Kubernetes running and run Grafana in EKS; intergrate with CloudWatch logs
Last updated