We now have series links in the catalogue where an item is a member of one series, e.g. the series on https://wellcomecollection.org/works/wcfrzscz #5426, #5451
Remove Swagger from the catalogue API #5452
Fixing Learning Resources Data Studio report #7783
Investigate Auth0 access token deprecation notice #264
Investigate Auth0 "Warning during login" #263
Error messages from requesting API #6916
Requesting went live on 8 March
Removed 'BETA' label and link on collections search #7332
Fixing requesting go live bugs: Requesting 'Cancel' button places requests instead of cancelling it #7782
Fixing requesting go live bugs: Reset password flow not working correctly #7777
Fixing requesting go live bugs: Intermittently displaying old / new requesting flows #7778
Fixing requesting go live bugs: Login button not accessible (accessibility issue) #7780
Better error messaging for patron types that don't allow requesting #7645
Prismic refactoring #7363
Filter out IIIF media elements which can't be downloaded #7762
Tidied up components and fixed drop cap #7759
Online requesting dashboard: tracking user journey #7431
Consolidate the definitions of Prismic models and fetch links #7752
Finish writing opening times tests #7547
Fix accessibility errors on images #7746
Focusing on next
Series linking: display host and component relationships as a hierarchy
Firming up the direction on concept page
Related subjects/people prototype to ultimately get it to a point to share with Collections
Finalising requesting
Finalising day picker
Library membership user journey mapping
Last updated