NB Search for all site content are behind the Search page toggle
Search: GraphQL queries for exhibition & events (what’s on) and stories search #8712
Search: Data transformation and serialisation for content search API #8801
Search: Add "clear" button to input #8803
Search: Integrating the stories results as per the mockups #8740
Improvements to image result modal #8707
Investigate better methods for image similarity #112
Analysis of recently-deployed changes to wellcomecollection.org #8789
Review stats as reported in KPI tracker/quarterly departmental meeting/WC Combined stats report #8763
Use iiif V3 presentation manifest for search within data #8732
Bug fixes
Fix the incorrect Wellcome Images contributor credit lines #2226
Fix a bug where the "What's on" page is still showing October in November #8810
Fix multi-volume labels #8792
Remove erroneous non-volume section from multivolume works in the viewer sidebar #8815
Fix the colour contrast for buttons on exhibition guides #8806
Add accessible text for audio player buttons #8809
Provide better Archivematica documentation for other Wellcome developers #106
Upgrade Archivematica to v1.13.2
Remove everything related to the now-closed Wellcome Kitchen #8833
Focusing on next
Search for stories, images and works with sorting and pagination
New sorting and pagination in existing and new search
Search reporting for new search pages
Concepts API using the concepts index
Move reporting cluster configuration into terraform
Implement improved image similarity measures
Write an RFC for improved Lambda logging
Complete move to IIIF3 so the site is up-to-date
Improve team understanding of works pages changes and impact on user experience
Timebox investigation into multi session events re Lights Up/HIV & Aids
Last updated