Support multi-level hierarchies in Sierra data #5479
Fallback to uniform title when transforming 773 fields #5526
Handle TEI works that have a language of “Arabic [Karshuni]” #5528
Map TEI transliterated titles into the alternativeTitles field #2043
Investigate the issues with the TEI transformer #5549
Multi-word exact matches at the start of a title should now be first in the list of search results #466
Prototype concepts API service plumbing #480
Add an API filter for subject identifiers #478
Expose thumbnails on works if the only restrictions are on the physical items #5416
Improve the "CloudFront errors to Slack" alerts #5552
Link to Prismic pages from the API toolbar #8037
Show appropriate info on compact event cards #8035
Allow events to appear related to exhibitions in the 'About this exhibition' section #8030
Create unit tests for the Image components #8004
Ticketing for hybrid events #7983
Some items are on hundreds of works, breaking the requests API #459
Toggle to turn off requesting #8010
Compile stats for WC Combined Monthly Stats Report #8049
Tracking archive tree navigation in Google Analytics #7967
Fix metadata description on exhibition pages #8044
Sign in page deployed to stage #7808
Focusing on next
Library membership: test end-to-end
Digital guides: complete and synthesise first round research with younger people; iterate on design from research findings
GA4/Universal analytics: attend training and plan how to answer our questions about future analytics
Provide analytics support for Editorial
Build designs for /exhibitions
Work through issues from heuristic analysis on /events
Start building out prototype concept pages
Identified pages with titles
List of works with that concept
Start with subject pages, maybe move onto contributors
Come up with concept pipeline RFC - will know what the headings will be
Share wikidata concepts prototype with Collections Information
Last updated