Progress against our quarterly objectives

Objective: Increase access to our collections

  • Made text to speech feature available on production (for 10 articles) for testing #10031 #10045 #10064

Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs

  • Visual stories: get feedback from access champions/stakeholders #10010; user research plan #10036

Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories

  • Improve aggregations: Ensure correct ordering of aggregation bucket #672; Paired filter/aggregations do not work properly #668; Improve test suite for faceting #666; Only return non-empty (or filtered on) buckets in aggregations #671

  • Reflect unpublished articles in the content API [#61](https://

  • github.com/wellcomecollection/content-api/issues/61)

  • Don't transform genres from Sierra that don't have a label #2386

Objective: Build the platform services to support born digital access

  • Upgrade to Archivematica v1.14.1 #132

Focusing on next

Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs

  • Get visual story content type ready for Content team

  • Initiate Content team QA of Prismic visual story

  • Set up monitoring for visual story page links and GTM tagging

  • Launch tree test to ensure people can find visual stories

Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories

  • Deploy refactored mapping and query for catalogue and image search

  • Improve colour filtering for image search

  • Deploy merged content and catalogue apps

  • Reproduce the relevance tests in the new tool

  • Begin to experiment with displaying highly matching concepts in search results


  • Enable marketing operations

    • Newsletter signup improvements

    • Enable event tracking in Eventbrite analytics

Last updated