Progress against our quarterly objectives
Digital Experience
Improve the user experience of finding information on wellcomecollection.org
Undertake a discovery phase for a collection browse experience
Add e.g. displayType to Exhibition Highlight Guide display block #195
Add a toggle for the "All" page changes #11486
Add "All" endpoint to wc.org services #11487
Deepen engagement with stories
Update Popular Stories banner to display after 15 paragraphs #11482
GifVideo mp4 won't play on Safari mobile #11483
Fix title appearance on Firefox #11400
RFC for Prismic API ID casing #11492
Digital Platform
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Analyse hotjar journeys for concept pages #5875
Set up AWS graph notebook #5868
Knowledge Graph Infrastructure Discovery #5803
Graph database in AWS spike #5836
Set up a subdomain for catalogue graph NLB #5862
Add auto formatting GitHub action to catalogue graph #5863
Add MeSH concepts to catalogue graph #5864
Add LoC RELATED_TO edges to catalogue graph #5873
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Add RFP requirements for discovery solution integration #5882
Reindex after relation embedder to lambda implementation and infra complete #5838
Reinstate 2024-11-18 pipeline #5869
Ensure deployment to 2024-11-18 pipeline works as expected #5870
Run a partial reindex to 2024-11-18 of a few thousand documents #5871
Run a full reindex to 2024-11-18 pipeline #5872
Remove 2024-11-05 old pipeline #5881
Moving to use a features vector with 4,096 dimensions (and clean up the existing feature vectors in use) (other) #5823
Update catalogue-api aggregations to use concept ID filters for subjects & contributors #5825
Deploy relation embedder lambda subsystem #5840
Matcher locking tests are unreliable #2807
Focusing on next
Digital Experience
Improve support for Deaf audiences to access our digital content, venue & programme
Design a space in exhibition page to play the BSL leaflet video #11464
Create user journey map for Deaf visitor #11468
Exhibition cards & BSL #11517
Update BSL icons #11516
Understand and explore user needs for browsing the online collections
Complete User Research sessions #11456
Data analysis of existing browse tools and user behaviour #11316
Build a comprehensive site search which meets user expectations
Integrate Content results in Search "All" page #11460
Integrate Catalogue results in Search "All" page #11459
Spike for unifying Prismic API ID casing #11500
Digital Platform
Improve access to our collections for staff and users
Add LoC NARROWER_THAN edges for composite concepts to catalogue graph #5874
Add automated deployment to catalogue graph #5887
Add Wikidata parent concepts to catalogue graph #5885
Improving catalogue-graph resilience against transient Neptune errors #5890
Adding catalogue concepts to the graph #5893
Redesign theme pages (person) #5895
Consolidate/look at theme page types #5894
Containerise the catalogue-graph extractor #5889
Support the goals of the Collection with a healthy, cost effective and secure digital platform
Last updated