Progress against our quarterly objectives
Objective: Increase findability across the collections, stories and public programme
Set up pipeline service app skeleton #11
Standardise reporting scripts around build test and deploy #89
Design work to update search box on Collections landing and works pages #9351
Increase discoverability of the collections by subjects, people and genres
Wellcome Collection is an accessible place to visit
New story format for short films including transcripts (Watch here) #9467
Objective: Increase the technical sustainability of our core platform services
Set up Dependabot, which will help us keep our third-party dependencies up-to-date
Cardigan: move docs to Gitbook #9156
Create a shared Terraform module for ACM certificates #5677
Focusing on next
Objective: Increase findability across the collections, stories and public programme
Pipeline service for the Content API regularly fetching updated content
Pipeline transforming partOf data for improved stories relevance
Documentation for Content API v1 added to developer site
Get feedback on semantic search prototype from internal users
Experiment with new search query e.g. treating certain character pairs as equivalent, investigating irrelevant high-scoring search results
Objective: Increase discoverability of the collections by subjects, people and genres
Get genre concept web pages populated in production
Objective: User data is handled in compliance with our legal and ethical obligations
Wrap up GA4 implementation
Wellcome Collection is an accessible place to visit
Short discovery phase on accessible content formats
Last updated