Added pixel information to image downloads #5206
Updated Storybook version used for Cardigan #5227
Homepage design and making it editable from Prismic #5247
Completed a UX audit of the collections search journey, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses/anything that doesn't make sense within the current journey #5209
We are now set up to do 100% remote testing and have already begun tests #5172
Analysed adding pixel info the single image download buttons #5206
Had a whole team introduction to archives session in preparation for adding archive material to search #5231
Updated packages to keep the site up-to-date #5219
Indexing storage service ingests in ElasticSearch to give better visibility of works going into the storage service, debugging #4417
Finished the verification of files migrated from Preservica #4381
Focusing on next
Verify that everything came out of Preservica
Indexing storage service data in Elasticsearch
Works are now merging using CALM items #4434
Merging documentation has been written
Optimized the feature inferrer for production #4428
Extracted a resuable library from the works ingestor and implement the images ingestor #4207
Images are now in an index with extra data that enables image similarity searching #4402
Focusing on next
Getting images into the new images API
Surfacing CALM data in the API
Current search relevance tests
. Read more about it
Last updated