
  • Redirected OPAC (http://catalogue.wellcomelibrary.org) for external users to https://wellcomecollection.org/collections #5580

  • Ingest LCSH cp#6, cp#7, cp#34, cp#37

  • Set up aggregator application cp#5, cp#9

  • Put the Organization contact data in Prismic #7830

  • Evaluate library account login #7800

  • Exhibition guides: Retrieve and transform digital guides data from Prismic #8162, implement UI #8261

  • Exhibition guides: Wellcome content team member can set information for each stop type #8191, upload audio and video to Prismic #8189, set information for stops #8190, preview tour content #8192

  • Completed GA4 quality assurance of traffic source data #8213, user numbers #8205, geographic distribution #8270

  • Update the 404 and 500 pages with the new copy from the Editorial team #8032

  • Changes to date picker's date picked depending on when it is used #8215

  • As a Stories editor, I want to get copyright information for digitised images #8246

  • Long titles of 3rd party resources shouldn't be linked #6380

  • Give users a way to get a new email verification #8179

Focusing on next

  • Get LCSH & LC Names concepts into ElasticSearch index

  • Identify and get a snapshot of the list of in use concepts

  • Discovery for new image grid and other concepts components

  • Further exploration of the concepts page design

  • Break up compound concepts in the knowledge prototype for feedback

  • Exhibition guides: decide on user's device preferences, research editorial team's use of Prismic, build UI layouts

  • GA4: documenting differences between GA4 and Universal Analytics to inform future analysis

Last updated