Search tweaks to restyle tabs and place search button inside white wrapper #6131
Add contributor field, query the correct field, remove misspelled field – from incident retro #6176, #6177, #6189
Resolve duplicated 3rd party location info on works pages #5555
Display of contributor role on works pages #5943
Focusing on next
Prototyping navigating a manuscript or book’s structure by table of contents, index, list of parts within a manuscript
Decommision Loris #4884
wellcomelibrary.org CloudFront setup #5004
Add access status/conditions to online resources from 856 #5062
Add the initial implementation of holdings to the API #5076
Investigate series data #5018
Focusing on next
Decide how to model series in the API
Increase pipeline reliability and stability
Preparing for Miro deletions
Redirects working in stage
Handle CALM record deletion #1319
Availability filtering takes access conditions into account #1167
Availability filtering takes archives hierarchy into account #1425
Images licence filtering available in the front end #6056
Focusing on next
Put filters on image search
Make works aggregations consistent
Query language fields
Current search relevance tests
Boosts contributors
Then titles
Then genres / subjects
Last updated