Progress against our quarterly objectives

  • Document our GA setup in Gitbook #9266

  • Set up GA4 users with appropriate access level #9465

Objective: Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs

  • Analysed traffic sources, Google search queries and page paths for people who view visual stories pages #9759

  • Identify obvious print styles wins and integrate them #9740

  • Plan and run exhibition and visual stories workshops, supported by Visual Stories research #9663

Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories

  • Fix a bug with pagination at the end of a list of stories search results #9130

  • Improve jumping to a page in search – now you can jump to a page at the bottom of the results list and on mobile devices #9508

  • Add format and contributor filters and aggregations to content API #48

  • Analysed differences in user behaviour between those who use Concepts pages and those who do not #8663

Objective: Build the platform services to support born digital access

  • We’ve completed a major upgrade to DLCS, the IIIF API server we use to serve digitised images on the website. This update includes a variety of performance improvements, changes to bring DLCS up-to-date with modern standards, and lays the groundwork for access to restricted and born-digital items.

Focusing on next

Objective: Improve the venue experience for people with specific access needs

  • Make at least one visual story available for peer review

Objective: Increase findability across our collections and stories

  • Refactoring mapping and query for catalogue and image search

  • Write RFC for what needs addressing with rank

  • Create UI to filter by date, contributor, format in Stories search

Last updated