The result of the A/B test on a simplified digitised content component on /works pages is that we’ve now switched to the B state because users appear to be more inclined to click to view with the new buttons #4977
In releasing the above, Asian manuscripts are now also available on /works
We’ve been putting in groundwork for 100% remote testing now that in-person testing is not possible #5172
We’ve been been creating an annotated version of the Collections pages (search page, works page, works viewer page specifically) to help consolidate what the different components are called, giving them a really simplified description/purpose, and also thinking about how Cardigan can be improved with this information in the future. This will help to make sure we’re all using the same terminology/speaking the same language when referencing the components in conversations #5181
There is now a dashboard available where people can look at the Digital Engagement departmental indicators #5143
Single images can be downloaded from the viewer #4938
Finished migrating all the born digital material #4349
Replaced infrastructure for front end of wellcomecollection.org #4272
Focusing on next
Born digital migration: verification
Created a structure for adding data-science modules to the pipeline, which will infer new data about existing works and images #4373
Added a module to the Images pipeline which describes images’ features, allowing people to discover visually similar material #4344
Focusing on next
Indexing and enrichment of images
Merging and indexing CALM data
Current search relevance tests
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