Sitewide/Content UX
Re-adding ‘This week’ section to homepage #5647
Creating OnThisPageAnchors component for optional in-page links to H2 (like a table of contents) #5638
Add an image to the Collection Venue content type in Prismic #5598 To make hard-coded content editable in Prismic for editors, i.e. on covid re-opening pages:
InfoBlock component editable in Prismic #5641
PopupDialog component editable in Prismic #5636
To create a list of icon with text components on Prismic pages #5639
Usable archive tree when javscript is disabled/not available #5609
Opening archive tree inside a modal on small screens #5637
Implement tree nav designs #5627
Use Internal-Sender-Identifier for the Archivematica UUID #4799
Write Instructions for downloading bags using FileZilla Pro #4847
Focusing on next
Getting Archivematica archival tab replacement work done (getting reporting in Kibana)
Pipeline denormalization continues
Fixing bugs in archives (priority over pipeline denormalization)
Miro migration planning and implementation begins after Archivematica
Improvements to data consistency #934
Designs for desktop and mobile search UI wc#5467
Analysis of filter usage: people are using the defaults #931
Focusing on next
Finish sorting out the merging bugs
CI and build improvements
Build search form in preparation for testing
Current search relevance tests
Boosts contributors
Then titles
Then genres / subjects
Last updated