Experience team
Draft site map completed, to help with the move of Library web site content into wc.org. It’s linked to on #4966
Licence information on works pages is now all coming only from one place. Easier to maintain; gets more licence info in front of users #5064
In preparation for adding physical location information to work page, we've replaced the preview area on the work page, with an 'available online' section. The new section is more robust for displaying the various work types available in the catalogue, provides a more consistent experience between the work types and will sit better with the physical locations we will soon be displaying. The change has also reduced the number of API requests needed to render the page and so should help speed up the page load time. #5093
After weeks of testing, we’re removing the search results relevance ranker from search results by default, due to low usage. It’s still going to be available behind a toggle #4975
Focusing on next:
Requesting from closed stores
Preservation team
Almost completed moving projects to the WC GH organisation, plus cleaning up/archiving #3989
Investigating approaches for improving AM scaling #4255
Starting to clean up on-premise file shares, removing c. 5tb of data #4187
Focusing on next
Born digital migration: catalogued
Location model
Data team
Started experimenting with archive hierarchies #365
Integrating the CALM API to pull in archives data to the catalogue #4210
Focusing on next
Prepare pipeline for creating images
Reliable ingest and transformation of CALM data
Current search relevance tests
searchFixedFields: fixes a bug in how we assemble individual tiers of the scoringTiers query, adds contributors to the list of queried fields, and changes the query tokeniser to english
Last updated