Add analytics to Concept page #8501
Concepts pipeline: Aggregator: infrastructure setup #13
Apply new colour palette across website #8462
Add 520 subfield $c to description #5601
Add an exclusion for other folders in the TEI repo #2197
Default OpenGraph image for sharing on social media #8551
Create a spreadsheet of TEI data for Quickbase
Add an estimated reading time to articles #8402 - behind a toggle
Evaluate effect of wellcomelibrary.org redirect to wellcomecollection.org #8253
Replace the featured serial with an editable section on the stories landing page #8398 - behind a toggle
Bug fixes
Align both pagination components, make keyboard navigable #8394
Truncate the length of label-derived identifiers #2208
Captions and transcripts font letter ğ #8482
Exhibition guides testing bugs: guides w/o audio description error #8474
Fix a bug in the "next available date" over the weekend #8496
Fix our handling of dates when exhibitions close #8503
WC-combined stats report bugs #8557
Focusing on next
Move reporting cluster configuration into terraform (from incident retro)
Existing concepts services running in AWS
Get concepts pages up (using only data from the API)
Get knowledge graph prototype into a stable state
Exhibition guides for In Plain Sight publicly available by 12 October
Wrap up stories optimisation
Get Google Tag Manager running
Update browser support documentation
Last updated