Sitewide/Content UX
Updated web site for covid building reclosure from 5pm on 4 November, including re-showing the cream banner for re-closing on the home page #5697
Prevent the wobbly line animation, if users have specified a preference for reduced motion in system settings, in accordance with Success Criterion 2.3.3 Animation from Interactions (Level AAA) #5660
Fixed issue where not all ancestors of a work were showing in the breadcrumb #5677
Collections access
Kicked off “open with advisory” work, created wireframes and began development #5670
Investigated indexing files separately in the reporting cluster #4853
Analysed the files in Wellcome_Images_Archives #4856
Fixed missing archive level PP/EKC/B #952
Fixed suppressed children showing in collection tree #945
Investigated indexing files separately in the reporting cluster #4853
Focusing on next
Work on pipeline storage efficiency
Work to use the denormalized relationships
Miro migration (start feeding Archivematica transfer packages)
Merging and filtering bug fixes #985, #934, platform#4858
Focusing on next
Run user tests on search forms, review/evaluate and then iterate search
Support for archive data filtering
Conversion metrics for search
Current search relevance tests
Boosts contributors
Then titles
Then genres / subjects
Last updated