Search: Create query for Overview results #8805
Add additional publication fields (310, 321, 362) for serials #5600
Implement lambda logging infrastructure #5637
Identical concepts in a document now all have the same type #2282
Start using new lambda logging infrastructure
In Plain Sight audio guides: summary of tagging and Hotjar work #9038
Update pagenames in reporting #8961
Bug fixes
Add key/ref check to TEI linter #55
Ensure the image inferrer scales down correctly #2290
Remove duplicate footer on image search #9069
Ensure comics resolve in Safari #8971
Show article content for mobile Safari reader #9026
Don’t allow readers to order an item for Sunday pickup #9042
Fix broken redirects on item pages #9076
Upgrade to V2 of the AWS SDK for S3 #4785
Remove the transfer(checkForExisting) flag in scala-libs #5647
Focusing on next
New search taken out from behind the toggle (default search is still current search)
Prepare search redirects
Work to remove further concepts data snags
Make genres into concepts
Roll out standardised logging
Create image search snapshots and update image error message
Modify mapping and query so that exact matches score higher than looser matches
Investigate Buildkite test analytics
Understand how, what and why we measure usage as we do. Enable transition to GA4:
UX architecture review
Ensure we can analyse and test new functionality
Look into validating automating valid HTML across wellcomecollection.org
Last updated