Incident retro - date picker
Incident from: 2022-08-08
Incident until: 2022-08-08
Retro held: 2022-08-09
8 August 2022
See from
9.07 branch merged to remove the toggle for the date picker #8249
13.14 Email to I just noticed that there is no drop down menu for readers to select the date for their requests at the moment. Can this be reinstated please?
13.17 AC: Email to digital@ about the missing date picker – could this be to do with the toggle removal?
13.18 DMC: sounds like a likely candidate I’ll take a look
13.25 DMC: I think possibly the result of me having merged my branch which will have automatically removed the toggle from the json, but I haven’t deployed this morning so the code still bailing out if the toggle isn’t present (which it won’t be
13.36 date picker back on prod
Analysis of causes
Qn: how do we (I) ensure that we don’t remove toggles until after the code that uses them is deployed?
There is only one toggles environment for stage and prod.
Merging a branch with updates to toggles updates the singular toggles environment.
Toggles turned on for the public can be turned off very quickly.
Jamie, David & Raphaëlle
Stop deploying toggles universally on merge
Last updated