Incident retro - works search errors
Incident from: 2022-05-24
Incident until: 2022-05-24
Retro held: 2022-05-26
24 May 2022
15.03 alerts for errors in the catalogue API, followed by a continuous stream of alerts for cloudfront
15.15 (approx) CCR of works index started from pipeline cluster into rank cluster
16.00 (approx) HP noticed 500 and asked if search was broken in #wc-incident-response, later deleted that message as reran search and it worked as expected
17.14 AC looks like the API is unhappy
Saw api was flaky
Cleared index caches which didn’t help
Suggested check refresh interval seen in previous issues - wasn’t that
A rolling restart did fix the issue
PB That link works for me in production but not if I switch my toggle to staging api
17.43 AC We seem to have fixed the issue
Analysis of causes
Combination of different factors:
CCR was the trigger which depleted some resource
Increased document size was a contributing factor
Not being able to clear out the circuit breakers
Add notes to rank documentation as reminders for:
Increase cluster size when doing a CCR as that is memory intensive and remember to turn down the size afterwards
More communication with colleagues when you’re about to use CCR
CCR works and images separately
Improve alerts in Slack so it’s easier to triage and spot new errors - DONE
Fix known errors in Slack as they arise
Last updated