Incident retro - home page with json
Incident from: 2021-06-08
Incident until: 2021-06-08
Retro held: 2021-06-10
See and
7 June 2021
18.21 This PR with the issue went in
8 June 2021
14.44 build
15.38 Tom Scott reported home page borked. It was showing lots of json
15.40 JG asked experience devs to look at what’s been released, JG to look at rolling back
15.41 GE: I released but quite a few things went out
15.42 JG any chance to roll back as stage has the same problem
15.43 Danny Birchall suggested it might be because he’d republished On Happiness; JG confirmed it was fine, so this was a red herring
15.44 GE: rolling back
15.45 JG: rolling back
15.49 DB: /stories page also broken [ie had json on it]
15.51 GE confirmed it’s good on preview, clearing cache and live should be good too
15.55 JG cleared cache for /stories
15.52 JG putting in this fix for the bug
15.56 JG: we’ve rolled back and are working on a fix
16:16 JG: TL;DR We released a bug We rolled back quickly
There’s a PR in waiting for tests to pass
9 June 2021 PR released 9:59
Analysis of causes
PR was about Cardigan
Wouldn’t have thought it would touch the content apps
json was quite low down the page so wouldn't have scrolled down that far to check
Pull request was giant
Deployment to prod included other changes (but might not have seen the issue even without that)
Wasn’t deployed via Buildkite because Cardigan deploys go via main (build step only pertains to content and catalogue app, anything else is deployed automatically)
Dummy data (json object) accidentally got deployed instead of being removed before deployment
Investigate a way to programmatically prevent json stringify from being deployed in a tsx file #6599
Change the QA script for a person to check the deployment: scroll through a few top level pages including home page - DONE in #6598
Last updated