Incident retro - home page and stories page not available
Incident from: 2021-12-06
Incident until: 2021-12-06
Retro held: 2021-12-07
6 December 2021
15.42 updown alerts for Experience: Content: Stories (origin) Experience: Content: Stories (cached) Experience: Content: Homepage (cached) Experience: Content: Homepage (origin)
15.43 JP last deploy was 4 hours ago. Anyone terraforming?
15.44 JG Might be that we aren’t catering for certain prismic shapes, turns out there’s some oddities in the Prismic types
15.45 JP Lots of 400s from Prismic
15.46 JG confirmed it was a model change … It’s a grapQL thing[…]D%5Bnot(document.tags%2C%20%5B%22delist%22%5D)%5D%5D The application is asking for excerpt but we removed it. So a deploy should fix it.
15.47 JP why is stage working? Suggested rolling forward.
15.48 AC did the prod deploy succeed? JP yes JG It’s looking for the excerpt field. That doesn’t exist. Normally that’s not an issue using fetchLinks, apparently it is using GraphQL
, which the homepage uses.
15.49 JP I’m going to deploy stage -> prod unless anyone objects
15.51 JG way to have avoided this would be:
remove the query for excerpts
Remove the prop from the model
Deploy to prismic
15.53 updown recovery for Experience: Content: Stories (origin) Experience: Content: Homepage (cached) Experience: Content: Homepage (origin) Experience: Content: Stories (cached)
15.54 Home and stories page back and stable
Analysis of causes
The application is asking for the excerpt field. That doesn’t exist. Normally that’s not an issue using fetchLinks, apparently it is using GraphQL
, which the homepage uses.
Also, deploy to prod that AC asked about didn’t happen.
It is possible for an application that’s running to become inconsistent if the model is updated. Model has to be updated first, then the app has to be updated.
Gareth E
Document correct order of steps for updating the Prismic model so we don’t break the site.
Last updated