Incident retro - requests not showing in account
Incident from: 2022-05-13
Incident until: 2022-05-13
Retro held: 2022-05-13
13 May 2022
01.33 Viewing, making requests, seeing if something is requestable not available
08.13 AC notices errors in the identity (frontend) app
10.24 AC notices 500s from identity API (can’t view item requests)
10.28 JP: can’t view item requests on prod, nor make a request
10.31 JP checked the API, the authorizer. Neither suspicious
10.37 SSL is the root cause. Attempting to fix by creating a new certificate in the console.
10.47 Cert validation record does exist but not liked by AWS
10.51 AWS Certificate Manager cert validation most likely the underlying cause. JP created the record set.
10.52 “One or more domain names has failed validation due to a certificate authority authentication (CAA) error. Learn more.”
10.52 AC: At some point AWS “forgets” your validation records and stops renewing certs
10.59 JP Fixed. Confirmed by AC/NP
Analysis of causes
SSL certificate was out of date
SSL certificate wasn’t automatically renewed
Also to be looked at: noisy alerts channel
Handle identity API proxy errors which don’t have a response #7970 - DONE
Add Cloudwatch log URL to alerts to take you to the right account with text added to help with debugging
Turn on CloudFront logging (with filtering)
Last updated