Incident retro - requests not showing in account
Incident from: 2022-05-20
Incident until: 2022-05-20
Retro held: 2022-05-23
20 May 2022
See and
10.30 Bug deployed convert-image-uri helper PR #7987
11.04 PB It looks like the preview images on the search images tab are all referencing the JSON description of the image rather than the image itself.
11.06 JP noted AC made changes on 19 May [that were deployed at 10.30 on 20 May]
11.08 JP Tidy up the convert-image-uri helper PR #7987 looks sus
11.11 JP think a roll forward would look very similar to reverting that patch It makes the Image component assume it’s receiving prismic images When in fact it’s generic Going to revert: PR Revert “Tidy up the convert-image-uri helper” #7998
11.19 JP I’m going to say it’s about 12-15 minutes until we see this fix on prod (all being well)
11.21 JP Retro will be useful next week when Alex is back but a very obvious action we can start on already is adding a check for image rendering to some of our automated tests
11.23 JP idea to change from using a script that checks that URLs return 200s using cURLto use a headless browser which would also make sure there were no errors in the page
11.24 GE stage is working again
11.33 JP fixed
Analysis of causes
PR #7987 made assumption about where things were being used (made them specific when they were still being used generically).
change from using a script that checks that URLs return 200s using cURLto use a headless browser which would also make sure there were no errors in the page
Add unit test to the affected component
Get related images back onto the image modal
Last updated