Incident retro - Miro images
Incident from: 2021-01-08
Incident till: 2021-01-08
Retro held: 2021-01-08
8 January 2021
10.43 Alex: Should I be able to view images from Miro? I was just looking at some image search results: but any time I click "View image" I get taken to an error page: “We are working to make this item available.” (in #wc-platform-feedback)
10.48 James calls this an incident
10.51 Jamie moves discussion to wc-incident-response
10.51 Jamie: item page data being fetched when using the View button: should be image page data; identifies branch with problem
10.55 Jamie creates PR
11.17 James: The change was made on the 2 Dec [2020], and probably deployed around then.
11.31 James: reports that fix seems to be working on stage; asks others to confirm
11.44 Fix deployed to prod but not showing up.
11.54 James confirms problem resolved after cache busting
Analysis of causes
Item page data was being fetched when using the View button: should have been fetching the image page data
Find out how many images were affected, and how many users were affected
Find out actual date of deployment
Go through the broken example to improve understanding (with JP)
Last updated