Detailed list of all metadata fields used in the Context area of CALM
ISAD(G) 3.2.1
Mandatory at Collection level
Mandatory at Item level for Visual and Material Culture where creator is known
To record the authorised standard name of the creator(s) of the material: whether an individual or an organisation.
Use this field at the most appropriate level. It is mandatory for collection level records and should also be used at lower levels when describing material that has a different, significant creator, or when creating item records describing visual and material culture.
Only one creator name per field. Repeat the field as required for each creator.
If the creator is unknown leave this field blank.
Search the (which feed into Sierra). If the individual or body exist as creators here, copy the name in the form given here (to ensure cross-searchability).
If the name is not there, search the CALM name authority database. If an authority record exists, paste the authorised name into the
field and edit to bring punctuation into line with Wellcome’s standard for this field: we do not use brackets for dates (e.g. “Watson, Thomas, 1850-1927.”).If no name authority exists for the required individual, create one and copy the authorised name form into the
field of the item being catalogued, before bringing punctuation into line as stated above.See Personal name authority files or Corporate name authority files for instructions on creating an authority records and linking them to the catalogue record.
Amiss, Audrey, 1933-2013
Kitzinger, Sheila, 1929-2015
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
British Medical Association
Thompson, J, 1837-1921
Shrigley, David
Wren, Christopher, Sir, 1632-1723
Health Education Council, 1968-2000
Raphael, 1493-1520
ISAD(G) 3.2.2
Mandatory at Collection level
To provide an administrative history of, or biographical details on, the creator (or creators) of the unit of description to place the material in context and make it better understood.
Most commonly used at Collection level but can be used at lower levels in the hierarchy to provide additional contextual information where desired.
Record concisely significant information on the origin, progress, development and work of the organisation (or organisations) or on the life and work of the individual (or individuals) responsible for the creation of the unit of description. If additional information is available in a published source, cite the source.
For persons or families record information such as full names and titles, dates of birth and death, place of birth, successive places of domicile, activities, occupation or offices, original and any other names, significant accomplishments, and place of death.
If a name authority file exists for this individual or body, this historical information should be present there and can be copied across. If a new name authority file is being created, this information should be copied to it.
Use paragraph tags <p></p> to break up large amounts of text.
Abridged version of SA/TIH (Tavistock Institute)
“The Tavistock Institute was inaugurated in 1946, originally as the social and industrial division of the Tavistock Clinic, an out-patient psychological centre…”
“The Institute was established with the aim of integrating social science disciplines in research, teaching and consultancy. Its staff were drawn from a range of disciplines, including sociology, psychoanalysis, clinical psychology, social anthropology, economics, statistics and medicine. The Institute's early approaches to research…”
“Much of the early work of Tavistock embodied an action research approach, through which Institute staff took a professional role in assisting with specific practical problems. In these early years, the Tavistock's income was derived from research grants, contract work…”
Other Sources:
“There are a number of accounts of its history, including the following:
H. V. Dicks, Fifty years of the Tavistock Clinic (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970)…”
ISAD(G) 3.2.3
Mandatory at Collection level
To provide information on changes of ownership and custody of the unit of description before it was deposited with Wellcome that is significant for its authenticity, integrity and interpretation. This field will often be completed at the point of acquisition and will not require further editing by the cataloguer.
Use paragraph tags to break up large amounts of text.
Material previously held by Politics of Health Group.
Given to British Psychological Society Archives Liverpool c.1986. Transferred to History of Psychology Centre, Staffordshire University 1998. Transferred to the History of Psychology Centre, John Street, London, WC1, 2002.
ISAD(G) 3.2.4
Mandatory at Collection level
Mandatory at most appropriate level for born-digital material
To record how the material described was acquired by Wellcome. This field will often be completed at the point of acquisition.
Record the date of the transfer.
Do not include individual donor’s names, unless they have requested the inclusion of this information.
For born-digital records, document information on the mode and method of transfer, such as the media carrier. The field should also state if the born-digital material was acquired separate to the paper record, for instance in a later accession. The field can be used at either parent or item-level, whichever is more appropriate.
Donated in March 2016.
The material was donated to the Wellcome Library by the Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, 17/06/1998 (Acc.759) and 12/08/1998 (Acc.765) and also by the family 05/08/1999 (Acc.807).
Born-digital examples:
Transferred on a USB flash drive in 2013
Transferred on a DVD as part of accession 1898
Transferred on a Wellcome external hard drive in 2010.
ISAD(G) 3.2.4
Mandatory at Collection level
To record the Wellcome accession number. This field will be completed at the point of acquisition.
Only one accession number per field. Repeat the field as required for each accession number.
If you are dealing with an addition to an existing collection ensure the accession record is linked to catalogue record.
To record the details of previous use in an exhibition.
Only one exhibition per field. Repeat the field as required to record multiple exhibitions.
Include the name of the exhibition, venue, location and dates.
For objects displayed at Wellcome Collection (or historically within the institution) there is the option to include the text of the caption or label that accompanied the object whilst on display.
Exhibited in "Flesh" at York Art Gallery, York, 23 September 2016 - 19 March 2017
Exhibited in "Being Human" at Wellcome Collection, London, from 5 September 2019
Exhibited in "The Emotional Cancer Journey", a touring exhibition held in 6 venues in Sussex, 18 April - 1 October 1997
Exhibited in "Joy" at Wellcome Collection, London, 15 July 2021 - 27 February 2022. 'Throughout the gallery David Shrigley presents a new series of drawings that respond to everyday moments of joy. While his topics are far-reaching, Shrigley’s deliberately crude black-and-white drawings are deceptive in their simplicity. Using humour to disarm the viewer, his subjects often include dark and complex themes that suggest laughter is a moment of reprieve as well as a coping strategy for difficulty.' -- accompanying gallery text from "Joy" at Wellcome Collection, London.
Last updated
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