Detailed list of all metadata fields used in the Access area of CALM
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Detailed list of all metadata fields used in the Access area of CALM
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ISAD[G] 3.4.1
See in the Sensitivity and Access Procedures for instructions on using this field.
See in the Sensitivity and Access Procedures for instructions on using this field.
ISAD(G) 3.4.1
See in the Sensitivity and Access Procedures for instructions on using this field.
See fields in the Sensitivity and Access Procedures for instructions on using this field.
ISAD(G) 3.4.2
Mandatory at collection level
To provide information about copyright which may affect the reproduction of the material being described.
Check the accession record and collections file for information about copyright (e.g. in the Transfer Agreement).
Be aware that in the vast majority of cases an archive will contain material created by a variety of copyright holders. If copyright has been transferred to Wellcome, this will only apply to copyright held by the depositor, not any third-party copyright.
The field is mandatory at Collection level. It can be used at lower levels where appropriate. For example, to specify the copyright status of audio-visual material or to highlight the copyright status of a particular series of records, if different from the collection level statement.
If using at item level, use the field in conjunction with the Copyright_Licence field. It can be used to explain or provide extra detail about the licence.
Examples where multiple copyright statuses apply
Copyright in material created by Stephen Abrams is held by his executor. The copyright in all other material is held by a range of rights holders. You are free to use the material in any way that is permitted by copyright exceptions and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights holder.
Copyright in material created by John Sulston has been transferred to Wellcome Collection: this material can be used under the conditions of a CC BY 4.0 licence. The copyright in all other material is held by a range of rights holders. You are free to use the material in any way that is permitted by copyright exceptions and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights holder.
Examples where a single copyright status applies
Copyright in this material is held by the Thalidomide Trust. You are free to use the material in any way that is permitted by copyright exceptions and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights holder.
Copyright in this material is held by Wellcome Collection: this material can be used under the conditions of a CC BY 4.0 licence.
This material is in copyright. You are free to use the material in any way that is permitted by copyright exceptions and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights holder.
This material is in the Public Domain and can be used for any purpose without restriction under UK copyright law.
The copyright status of this material is unknown.
Mandatory for all digitised item records
To state the licence under which material can be reproduced.
Select the appropriate option from the picklist:
CC BY (Attribution) [Creative Commons licence whereby free re-use is permitted provided attribution is provided]
CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial) [Creative Commons licence whereby only non-commerical use is permitted]
CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivs) [Creative Commons licence whereby only non-commerical use is permitted and people cannot make derivatives, i.e. remix or transform]
In Copyright [for in copyright material where we do not know the copyright holder or do not have copyright clearance]
Open Government Licence [for crown copyright material or content that is already OGL licensed, e.g. a PDF the government has previously published]
Public Domain Mark [for works no longer in copyright]
All material where the copyright is held by Wellcome is made available under a CC BY 4.0 licence
ISAD(G) 3.4.3
To identify the language(s) present in the material.
Only one language per field. Repeat the field as required to record multiple languages.
Only add “English” if you are listing multiple languages, of which English is one.
Only record the language name in this field; distinctive alphabets, scripts, symbol systems, abbreviations or additional explanations should be noted in the Description field.
Mandatory at Collection level for born-digital material
To record details of actions that have been undertaken during transfer, appraisal, ingest and cataloguing and the software used.
Provide a general overview of the actions taken. Do not specify specific files that the actions relate to.
Actions to document could include virus check results, permission changes, redaction, disc imaging or unzipping of folders.
Recommended to use at Item level as well as Collection level.
Successfully virus checked at the point of transfer (Aug 2020)
Original media was disc imaged Dec 2021
ISAD(G) 3.4.4
Mandatory at Item level for born-digital material
Mandatory at Item level for Visual and Material Culture (where identified)
To provide information about any notable or important physical characteristics that affect the use of the material.
Use paragraph tags <p> to break up large amounts of text.
For born-digital material record details of the original media, including basic operating system requirements where known and hardware and software requirements.
Born-digital examples
Original media: 3.5" floppy disc
Original media: Mac formatted flash drive
For visual and material culture record specific object types, materials and/or techniques to supplement information provided in the extent field.
Visual and Material Culture examples
(Extent: 1 print.) postcard; woodburytype
(Extent: 1 scrapbook.) postcards, posters, stickers
(Extent: 4 paintings and 1 drawing.) gouache, ink drawing, watercolours
(Extent: 1 album.) paintings, drawings; acrylic, pastel
(Extent: 1 poster.) lithograph
Mandatory at Item level for Visual and Material Culture
Record dimensions in cm, and round to 1 decimal place. Orientation is suggested by recording height x width x depth.
At minimum, the overall height x width of an item should be recorded. If describing a group of objects, the overall height x width of the smallest and largest items should be recorded in a range.
sheet 30 x 40 cm
frames range in size from 24 x 52 cm to 34 x 60 cm
album 30.5 x 55.7 cm, photographs range in size from 8.4 x 11.7 cm to 12.9 x 13.5 cm
plate mark 20.5 x 30.5 cm, sheet 30 x 40 cm
frame 45 x 20.5 cm (oval)
overall 183 x 187 cm, central panel 183 x 105 cm, each side panel 183 x 39 cm
Mandatory at item level
To record the format of the material in general terms.
Choose the appropriate option from the picklist. “Archives – Non-digital” is autogenerated as the default option.
For item level records, one of the following options should be used:
Archives – Digital
Archives – Non-digital (default option)
Audio-Visual – e-film
Audio-Visual - Film
Audio-Visual Material – e-sound only
Audio-Visual Material – e-video
Audio-Visual Material – Sound only
Audio-Visual Material – Video
Visual Material
At higher levels select either "Archives - Non-digital", "Archives - Digital" or "Archives - Hybrid" as appropriate.
ISAD(G) 3.7.1
Mandatory at Collection level
Mandatory at the highest appropriate level for born-digital records
To record the name of the person responsible for the initial cataloguing as well as any subsequent catalogue changes, such as the cataloguing of accruals or sensitivity re-reviews.
Only use this field for Collection level records, unless it is born-digital (see below).
Record each action undertaken on a new line within the same field. Always include the name of the person undertaking the catalogue change and the date.
If applicable, state the source of the catalogue data if provided by a third-party (e.g. the depositor)
Record the date in the format mmm yyyy.
For born-digital material include the following statement at the most appropriate parent level: “See Archivematica for the process log and the Collection File for the metadata export”
Description compiled by [NAME], Sep 2010-Feb 2011.
Acc.1234 catalogued by [NAME], Jan 2019.
Born-digital material recatalogued by [NAME], May-Jul 2020.
Mandatory for Visual and Material Culture (where describing objects at item level)
Record the material type and/or technique using the genre terms in the local Wellcome Genre list.
Multiple instances of this field can be recorded, with a single term recorded in each one.
Where the material type would repeat part of the technique term, the technique is preferred i.e. 'pencil drawing' instead of 'pencil'.
Pencil drawing
Acrylic painting
Oil painting
Mandatory for Visual and Material Culture (where present and describing individual objects at item level)
Record any text printed, written or added to the material which is not considered a title, a previous reference name or number, or part of its visual design (see as an example of text as visual design).
If the text is lengthy, in another language or otherwise not able to be transcribed by the cataloguer, instead give a brief description or use ellipsis.
Where possible also include the medium and location of the inscription on the work in brackets.
French inscription written in black ink on verso
Through dancing we are healed and the awfulness of life is forgotten (printed in black ink, recto)
Signed in pencil (bottom right recto)
The Doecker hospital huts recently purchased for the accommodation of the wounded sent home from South Africa...from a photograph by Stephen Cribb, Southsea (printed on top left, verso)
May 14 '53 (written in bottom left, verso)
7.9.71 (written in bottom right, recto)
See in the Sensitivity and Access Procedures for instructions on using this field.
See in the Sensitivity and Access Procedures for instructions on using this field.
See in the Sensitivity and Access Procedures for instructions on using this field.
Metadata should be recorded in the following order: additional object types; techniques and/or materials. For further guidance, see the section in the Visual and Material Culture Metadata Framework.
Terms for object types, materials and techniques should be taken from our inhouse and in the first instance. Otherwise use the Getty AAT.
Specify what is being measured where possible using the standard terms in the .
For further guidance, see the section in the Visual and Material Culture Metadata Framework as it applies to physical material.
For further guidance, see the section in the Visual and Material Culture Metadata Framework.
For further guidance, see the section in the Visual and Material Culture Metadata Framework.