Upload a transfer package to S3
Once you have created your transfer package as a zip file, you need to upload it to S3 for processing.
Where you upload it depends on what sort of package this is:
Does this contain real files, or is it just for testing?
If real files, then use the bucket wellcomecollection-archivematica-transfer-source
If you're just testing, then use the bucket wellcomecollection-archivematica-staging-transfer-source
Does this contain catalogued data, or is it an uncatalogued accession?
If catalogued, then upload into the prefix born-digital
If uncatalogued, then upload into the prefix born-digital-accessions
Pick a descriptive name for your transfer package, then upload it to S3.
For example, if you were using the AWS CLI and you had an uncatalogued accession to upload in prod:
A few seconds after you upload, you should see a log file appear in the bucket, with either "success" or "failed" in the name.
If it says "success" – your package has been accepted and is being sent to Archivematica
If it says "failed" – your package has not been accepted; it's structured incorrectly. Download the log file for instructions on how to fix it.
Last updated