Following a package in the dashboard
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The Archivematica dashboard is a web app that allows you to monitor the progress of a transfer package. You can find it at one of these URLs:
If you have access to Archivematica, you should be able to log in using your Azure AD credentials. If not, ask in the #wc-preservation channel in Slack for help logging in.
This is what it looks like:
A new transfer package will start in the Transfer tab, and go through various processing steps. If those steps succeed and it comples the Create SIP from Transfer task, then it moves to the Ingest tab.
In the Ingest tab, it goes through more processing steps, and eventually gets to Store AIP. This is the step where the package gets uploaded to the Wellcome storage service; if this step completes successfully, then the package has been correctly stored.
[The terms SIP and AIP come from the OAIS model.]